Avv. Andrea Torricelli




Via Dante, 20/A
I - 39100 - Bolzano
Tel. 0471 051759 - Fax : 0471 051760

Via Carlo Botta, 2
I - 50136 - Firenze
Tel. 055 5535166 - Fax : 055 578230


Job Title: Supreme Court Register since 1987.

University Appointment: Researcher of Administrative Law for the University of Florence, then Professor of Urban Environment and Territory Planning for the University of Venice – IUAV and of Florence (2001 - 2015).

Civic Appointments: Former Honorary Vice Magistrate, President of the Conciliation Commission for claims from users of the local healthcare agency of Florence; President of Tuscany’s Management Committee for the Regional Volunteering Fund.

Publications: “Espropriazioni per pubblica utilità – I procedimenti”, in Trattato di Diritto Urbanistico (curated by P. Urbani), Giappichelli, Turin, 2018; “Monitoring and Guidance in the Administration of Public Contracts” (co-authored with Prof. D. Sorace) in Comparative Law on Public Contracts, (R. Noguellou, U. Stelkens cur.) Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2010; “La Valutazione delle Convenzioni Urbanistiche – problemi di valutazione e di estimo nel contesto della norma”, ATLAS no. 35/2010.

Associations: CESET - Centro di Studi di Estimo ed Economia Territoriale; Network - Public Contracts in the Legal Globalisation – SciencePo - Paris Sorbonne; Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica; Associazione Italiana di Diritto Urbanistico.

Main areas of practice

Private law and the administration of regulated economic activity; local government; public goods and services; third-sector institutions and activities.


Italian, English, French.